Leader Leeteuk upload photo at his own twitter account..
At the same time,he and all super junior members at Backstage/make up room at Goan Awards yesterday 23/2/2012 (Wednesday) this picture.
he tweet "대기실 모습 규현이는 양치 동해는 인터넷 예성이는 심령사진 ㅋㅋㅋ "
he tweet "While in the waiting room, (took a) photo of Kyuhyunnie brushing teeth, Donghae (using) the internet, Yesung being psychic kekeke"
Here all Super Junior members in red carpet,perfom and receive awards...
[Receive 3years album Awards]
[Super Junior Performance]
Source+Picture+Video : Super junior E.L.F (Ever Lasting Friends) /@fafa931004